5 Simple Ways To Boost Your Energy

Do you ever have those days where you just don't have the energy but can't quite figure out why? A good thing to know is that there are many things that can affect your energy. That means, many things you can do to boost it!

5 Simple Ways To Boost Your Energy

Do you ever have those days where you just don't have the energy but can't quite figure out why? A good thing to know is that there are many things that can affect your energy. That means many things you can do to boost it!

We are here to talk to you about 5 ways that you can boost your energy so that you can put more into your training sessions and get more out.

1. Prioritize protein
Over the last year many of us have been working from home more and so our snacking and eating habits may be different with constant access to the fridge.

While snacks are important for maintaining energy and blood sugar levels, it depends on what you reach for.

If you find yourself reaching for pre-packaged foods which are often highly processed and contain high amounts of refined sugar, try to prioritize more protein-rich snack options like trail mix or a boiled egg.

Protein can help balance and stabilise your blood sugar which will result in more energy and keep you satisfied for longer.

2. Drink more water
Many of our clients were in the habit of taking a water bottle to work and filling it constantly throughout the day but for many this habit has slipped away being at home and has left them less hydrated overall.

It is super important to remember to drink enough water throughout the day as it's essential for functioning at our best.

We always recommend drinking 2 litres of water per day and the most important time to drink water is first thing in the morning as this will be when our bodies are in their most dehydrated state.

3. Make movement a must
Exercise is a great way to increase energy, manage stress and release endorphins which can help boost mood and energy levels.

By participating in some type of daily movement that you enjoy, this will really help you feel your best physically and mentally.

Aim to achieve 150 minutes of exercise per week which is just over 20 minutes per day which we can all make time for… no excuses!

4. Get enough sunlight
Where many of us have been staying at home more, we're likely missing out on the benefits of getting outdoors which can affect our mood and energy levels.

By exposing ourselves to sunlight (especially first thing in the morning) it helps synthesize vitamin D in the body which has been proven to improve mood and sleep which brings me onto my final energy boosting tip for the day…

5. Get quality sleep
A lack of good quality sleep has been linked to weight gain and low energy levels. By having a consistent bedtime routine it will help you improve sleep and feel ready to take on your day.

To set yourself up for success, put your electronics away an hour before bed and avoid drinking caffeine late in the day…

There you have it. Our 5 energy boosting tips! We hope you found this post useful and can use these tips to boost your energy levels and max out your days!
5 Simple Ways To Boost Your Energy


‘You can’t out train a bad diet.’

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Established in 2016, the MHR coaches have over 15 years of combined experience in the world of personal training and professional sport.

MHR Fitness is built on our coaches’ passion for improving the lives of people through functional fitness and sensible nutrition.

Our team of coaches have excellent customer testimonials, which are backed by continued proven results.


Keep up with us on social media at @MHR_Fitness.


Our private small group personal training studio is based in Hedge End, Southampton.

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