Insight &


Knowledge is Power

At MHR Fitness we don’t just focus on making a physical change to the people that we train, we also educate on the science behind fitness to help you understand how to create a long term better version of yourself.

The latest

from MHR

'I felt so low, abandoned...and then I took an overdose'

James was recently interviewed by the Daily Mail about the support that professional athletes receive after retirement. You can read his frank and eye opening interview here.

The Importance of Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle

This week, we delve into just some of the reasons why maintaining a healthy lifestyle is so...

How To Overcome A Weight Loss Plateau

However, there are ways to overcome a weight loss plateau and continue on your weight loss journey.1. Re-evaluate...

Why Are 10,000 Steps So Important?

But why 10,000 steps, and is it really that important?The idea of aiming for 10,000 steps a day originated in Japan...

Our Tips For A Healthy BBQ This Summer!

But, it's important to remember that grilling doesn't have to mean unhealthy food choices. With a little bit of...

Exercising for Two

Looking back to the start of 2021, life was pretty simple. Working from home, hiding from COVID, gym sessions twice...

Should You Increase Cardio Or Decrease Calories While Dieting?

But is one option better than the other? Stick with me over the next few minutes as I’ll help you to discover the...

Our Trainers Top Weight Loss Tips

So, we wanted to combine our trainers' top tips to try to help you on your health and fitness journey. The...

Why over restrictive diets don’t work

And you’d probably be surprised at just how many people fall into this restrictive mindset. Years of fad diets and...

Our Top Pre Workout Nutrition Tips

What you put into your body before a workout can make a significant difference to how you perform. This means you’ll...

4 Tips For Exercising Safely In Hot Weather

Now, exercising in hot and humid weather can make a workout feel much harder than normal… and there's a few reasons...

The Importance of Post Workout Nutrition

If you want to achieve the best fitness results possible then you've got to give yourself sufficient rest and...

Our Top 3 Meal Prep Tips

So, the first thing you do is head to your app store, download myfitnesspal and then agonisingly start weighing and...

5 Ways That Strength Training Boosts Your Health And Fitness

If we told you that a certain type of exercise could benefit your heart, improve balance, strengthen your bones, and...

What To Know About Workout Recovery

But in order to keep making progress, a lack of adequate rest and recovery from your workouts can start to affect...

Three Ways To Remain Motivated During Your Weight Loss Journey

Deciding to start a new weight loss plan is one thing, but continuing to stick to it over time can be...

The Rise in Popularity of Intermittent Fasting

It doesn’t matter if your method of fat loss is calorie tracking or weight watchers…the one thing that underpins all...

5 Simple Ways To Boost Your Energy

5 Simple Ways To Boost Your Energy Do you ever have those days where you just don't have the energy but can't...

How To Avoid Late Night Snacking

Then the evening comes along. You settle the kids down, Netflix goes on, and out comes the tub of Ben and Jerries...

3 Fitness Myths Debunked

Once you become aware of these fitness myths, it will help you reach your fitness goals more efficiently....

How Muscle Memory Can Help Getting Back In The Gym

If you've ever stopped training for a period of time, you might have noticed how quickly you can lose strength and...

How To Overcome Gym Fear

If there was one good thing to come out of 2020, it was that it highlighted the benefits of exercise to your health...

Why You Might Not Be Losing Weight Whilst Calorie Tracking

For anyone who's new to counting and tracking calories, it can sometimes feel like a chore. I mean, scrolling...

Why You Shouldn't Avoid Weight Training When on a Fat Loss Journey

There is a huge misconception that you shouldn't lift weights when trying to achieve fat loss. Not only is it...

Is losing weight harder the older you get?

You know when you wake up in the morning with more cracks and pops than ever before. Joints aching after an over...

5 Strategies To Developing Healthy Habits

We all have a vision in our heads of where we would like to be with our health and fitness, but getting there isn't...

How To Lose Weight With a Busy Schedule

In fact, it can sometimes feel like an impossible task - especially at the moment. But, we've got some good news...

5 Ways to Create a Health-Focused Workout Plan

When building a health-focused plan, I'd like you to think of yourself as a ‘Life Athlete’. The reason...

Why We Focus On Non-Scale Victories

Yes, maybe you want to lose a certain amount of weight but, when it comes down to it, these real-life actual changes...

The Importance of Sleep

For anyone that knows us, knows that we love our sleep (especially Mark!). And anything less than 7 hours really...

The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

We all know that exercise is good for our bodies. But did you know it can also boost your mood, improve your sleep...

How Stress Can Impact Fat Loss

With all this change, there's a possibility that you're feeling increasingly more stressed. And that is completely...

5 Ways To Stick To Your 2021 Health And Fitness New Year's Resolutions

So, in this post, we want to give you 5 simple ways that you can stick to your resolutions and achieve what you want...

4 Tips To Help You Adhere To Your Diet

But, we all know that sticking to a diet is sometimes easier said than done, after all we are all human,...

Best Equipment for Home Workouts

Perhaps, for many of you, you were looking forward to getting back to the gym so that you could make a start...

5 Tips For A Healthier Christmas

Typically, around this time of year, it's a time where we indulge, but you don't have to let this be the...

How To Enjoy Christmas Food & Drink (without overdoing it!)

A cheeky mince pie here, a glug of mulled wine there and how could you possibly say no to that Christmas...

3 Tips on Achieving Your 2021 Health and Fitness Goals

Most of us are pretty familiar with excitedly setting health and fitness goals when a new year is...

How To Safely Return To the Gym After A Break

Are you ready and raring to get back in? A little apprehensive? Whether you're excited or worried about how...

Can You Drink Alcohol And Achieve Your Health And Fitness Goals?

We know that a lot of people like the odd glass of wine (or two) and there is nothing wrong with that. But...

How To Stay Motivated To Workout From Home

For many of us that means once again our homes have become the place where we work, the place we sleep, the...

Five Things You Can Control This Lockdown

5 Things You Can Control This Lockdown It's a new week, we're in a national lockdown and so we want...

The Importance of a Calorie Deficit for Fat Loss

When you train with us here at MHR Fitness, one of the first things that we will do is work out your ideal...

5 Ways To Stay Active in a Sedentary Job

To achieve fat loss, we simply need to be burning more calories than we are consuming. This means that the...

Why Females Don't Get Big and Bulky Lifting Weights

Whether you have stepped into a gym before or not, I think we can all agree it can be a pretty intimidating...

What is the Best Diet For Fat Loss?

As fitness coaches, we understand that it can be super overwhelming trying to know which diet to choose,...

What is Progressive Overload?

Have you ever heard of “progressive overload”? It's an extremely important term in the fitness world and...

The Importance of Stretching and Mobilisation

It's time to talk about the importance of stretching and mobilisation. Quite frequently, they get pushed to the side...

Our advice to help you get back on track…

August can be a challenging month when it comes to staying on track with a regular fitness and nutrition regime....

Lets talk about Progressive Overload…

During your small group personal training session, or 1-1 personal training session you may have heard the training...

Is cardio the best way to help me lose weight?

Cardio is a great way to get people moving, regardless of whether its HIIT or steady state cardio. Aerobic exercise...

Is the number on the scales important?

To answer this we need to understand that there are a lot of factors that cause a person's weight to fluctuate on a...

What’s better…Machines or free weights?

To answer this, lets look at the difference between machines and free weights. Machines in the gym generally refer...

Females who lift heavy weights wont get big and bulky. Here’s why…

In males, the primary hormone responsible for muscle growth and strength is testosterone. Males have approximately...

MyFitnessPal hints and tips

Below are five tips to bear in mind when using the app: Always weigh your food to ensure accuracy - guessing...

Can core exercises help lose stomach fat?

You may be surprised to learn that exercises that directly target the abdominals are not as effective at burning...

The Importance of Sleep

With the clocks being turned back last weekend and many of us enjoying an extra hour in bed, we wanted to highlight...

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‘You can’t out train a bad diet.’

Nutrition is often the hardest part of any goal. With all of our personal training packages our coaches will help you form good habits that you can stick to not just for today but for a lifetime.

About Us

Established in 2016, the MHR coaches have over 15 years of combined experience in the world of personal training and professional sport.

MHR Fitness is built on our coaches’ passion for improving the lives of people through functional fitness and sensible nutrition.

Our team of coaches have excellent customer testimonials, which are backed by continued proven results.


Keep up with us on social media at @MHR_Fitness.


Our private small group personal training studio is based in Hedge End, Southampton.

If you’re ready to take that first step, simply click below to enquire now.