Is cardio the best way to help me lose weight?

Cardio is a great way to get people moving, regardless of whether its HIIT or steady state cardio. Aerobic exercise increases the heart rate, which in turn burns calories and will help you to lose weight. However, if you were to solely use aerobic training as your only method of weight loss, not only will you be burning fat but you will also be burning muscle.

So, essentially all you would be left with is a smaller version of your current self. 

So, lets add resistance training into the mix. Utilising weights and resistance machines alongside cardio training helps us to focus our weight loss strictly to body fat whilst retaining and building muscle. This helps to shape and tone the muscles of the body and will give you a more defined appearance once the body fat has come off.

We also need to remember that muscle burns more calories than fat does. So by increasing our lean muscle mass we also increase our resting metabolism, which improves the bodies efficiency at burning calories. 

So, to conclude doing only cardio isn't necessarily the best way of losing weight. Instead, a training regime which begins with resistance training, followed by aerobic training will be the best way of improving your overall body composition - as you will be losing fat whilst adding lean mass at the same time. 

This is the MHR FITNESS way!

Is cardio the best way to help me lose weight?

“Aerobic exercise increases the heart rate, which in turn burns calories and will help you to lose weight.”


‘You can’t out train a bad diet.’

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Established in 2016, the MHR coaches have over 15 years of combined experience in the world of personal training and professional sport.

MHR Fitness is built on our coaches’ passion for improving the lives of people through functional fitness and sensible nutrition.

Our team of coaches have excellent customer testimonials, which are backed by continued proven results.


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