Three Ways To Remain Motivated During Your Weight Loss Journey

This week, we want to talk about three ways you can remain motivated throughout your weight loss journey.

Deciding to start a new weight loss plan is one thing, but continuing to stick to it over time can be challenging.

These three things that we are going to talk about in this post are going to set you up for success and help you achieve that long term health and fitness goal. 

  1. Clarifying your WHY

The first and most important step is to clarify your why. The reason for this is because if you're really going to stay motivated on your journey, the first thing you need to do is to determine what actually motivates you.

For example, if you're inspired by your family, focus on how losing weight will increase your energy levels to be more active with the kids. It's inevitable that you'll hit a few road bumps along the way but the one thing that's going to keep you pushing on is your why

  1. Set goals beyond the scale

The next step is to set goals beyond the scale. Even if you do anything right, there will be times when the scale won't budge or the weight just doesn't seem to come off as quickly as you thought. 

If this happens, don't let it discourage you and make sure to measure your progress in other ways. Some examples of other ways you can track your progress are:

  • Taking body measurements

  • Noticing how your clothes are fitting

  • Seeing visual progress by taking progress pictures

  • Achieving performance based goals in the gym

  • And noticing Increased energy levels

At MHR Fitness we like to call these non scale victories.

       3.    Give yourself some tough love

The third way to stay motivated on your journey is to give yourself some tough love.

It can be motivating to picture yourself with a certain physique but for some people, imagining what will happen if they don’t lose the weight can be even more inspiring.

Sometimes we ask our clients where they will be in 5, 10 or even 20 years if they stay on the same path they’ve been on and choose not to make any changes. Doing this gives them what I like to call a no option mentality of “I have to do whatever it takes to lose this weight”.


At the end of the day, if following a weight loss plan to the end was easy, then slimming down would be a thing of the past.

Losing weight is tough and everyone needs daily motivation to stay on track. Be sure to grab this opportunity by trying some of these motivation tips. 

The process may be challenging but we promise you, the benefits are well worth it.

Three Ways To Remain Motivated During Your Weight Loss Journey


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Established in 2016, the MHR coaches have over 15 years of combined experience in the world of personal training and professional sport.

MHR Fitness is built on our coaches’ passion for improving the lives of people through functional fitness and sensible nutrition.

Our team of coaches have excellent customer testimonials, which are backed by continued proven results.


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