How To Overcome Gym Fear

Here we have it. Exactly one week until the shops, salons and of course gyms can reopen!

If there was one good thing to come out of 2020, it was that it highlighted the benefits of exercise to your health and well-being. Maybe over the past 12 months, you have done a few home workouts and been spurred into making some fitness related goals?


We know, for many people, entering a gym the first few times can be extremely daunting. It's called gym fear and is essentially the fear of going to the gym and working out in front of others. Gym fear comes in many different forms, maybe it's embarrassment or a fear of working the machine incorrectly or feeling inadequate being around more fit individuals, or maybe you just feel like there are eyes watching you.


How to get over gym fear…


Whatever the reason, getting over gym fear starts with a positive outlook. Begin by remembering that everyone at the gym has to start somewhere and no one walks into a gym automatically knowing what to do. We've all felt nervous, maybe even paranoid, but by sticking with the training we all got better until the place that we once feared for so long soon became our new happy place. 


One of the biggest concerns we hear from people who step into the gym for the first time is the concern of being watched by others. If this sounds like you, let me reassure you… no one is as concerned about what you're doing in the gym as you think they are. Most people in the gym are concentrating on themselves and their own training more than anything happening around them.


As well as this, no one can tell if you know what you're doing or not. Plus, if you're following a programme set to you by a personal trainer or doing an exercise taught to you by your coach, what someone will be able to tell through your positioning and form, is that you do know what you're doing. And, they'll be envious of that! 


Build confidence


Building confidence is one of the big things that will make going to the gym easier. Like anything in life, the more we do something, the easier that it will become. But, the opposite is also true. Especially with anxiety - the more you avoid a situation, the more anxiety provoking it becomes. 


What to wear?


Knowing what to wear is another hurdle that many worry about before setting foot into the gym. Our biggest advice is to wear clothing that you feel comfortable in. It doesn't matter if it's the latest release from Gymshark or M&S, what is important is that you're happy in the clothes that you choose to workout in. Chances are that in a month or so of consistently hitting a training programme, you'll need new gym clothes anyway!


Be prepared


One of the best ways of overcoming gym fear is to enter the gym with a plan and with the support of others behind you. This is where having a personal trainer and a supportive community around you can really help. One advantage of working with a trainer is that they'll get you into a normal routine of attending the gym, as well as this you'll also be able to worry less about getting injured. Plus, you'll have someone like us to cheer you on when you hit your goals! 


Feeling anxious when going to the gym for the first time is perfectly normal. You can overcome it, and when you do, you’ll feel amazing!

How To Overcome Gym Fear


‘You can’t out train a bad diet.’

As well as training packages, we also have an in-house nutritionist who can offer you nutritional support, education and personalised nutrition plans.

About Us

Established in 2016, the MHR coaches have over 15 years of combined experience in the world of personal training and professional sport.

MHR Fitness is built on our coaches’ passion for improving the lives of people through functional fitness and sensible nutrition.

Our team of coaches have excellent customer testimonials, which are backed by continued proven results.


Keep up with us on social media at @MHR_Fitness.


We’re based on the south coast of the UK, but you can train with us from wherever you are around the globe with our Online Training Platform.

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